Cheaper Netflix: How much does it cost?
Share your Netflix subscription on Sharingful and discover much better prices for the same service and the same quality.

How to get Netflix cheaper?
If there's a streaming platform that has been successful for a long time above others, it's Netflix. The application that is now very hard not to find on a friend or family member's device. Since it started, it has been a success, increasing its content, productions, events with its name, and recognition worldwide. It has certainly reached the top with more than 200 million subscribers in 2021.
Netflix's catalog is based on movies, series, shows, documentaries, among others, of all kinds of genres, well classified and meticulously ordered so that very personalized recommendations can be offered to the user based on their tastes or preferences. It even offers content for the youngest members of the household with titles adapted to certain age classifications. Additionally, titles can be downloaded onto the device for offline playback. Internet connection
Netflix Plans and Prices
Without a doubt, our favorite option is the one that offers us the most benefits, that is, the Premium Plan, as it allows us to have the best quality and the possibility that up to 4 devices can enjoy the application in the same way at the same time. However, the price is the highest of all, reaching almost twenty euros, as the services are better than in other plans.
The best thing would be to have the best of options for the least of prices. For this reason, we will present you an alternative.
The Netflix Premium Plan with Sharingful
At Sharingful we do not want to give up the best possible conditions on any platform. for streaming, Netflix is no exception, so we're going to introduce you to our method, the alternative to these prices that are not always accessible to everyone.
The solution we propose is to share your subscription, simply. After all, it's something that is commonplace, practically the majority of users share their subscription with family, friends and even strangers, so we have created a way for subscribers to share these costs with other people looking for the same thing they are, to pay less for the same service. But what we're looking for is reliability, a guarantee that you will receive your share of the money, to avoid the situation where you end up bearing all the cost. Behind this there is a human team that can help you with any problem to attend to it and solve it if necessary.
So, you'll be eager to know what this low price we mention so much is, Well in this case, sharing your subscription to the premium plan of Netflix will cost you a minimum of €5.40. Even cheaper than the basic plan. This is possible because there will be 3 more members in this subscription and you will only be paying the proportional part of your use and a small commission to Sharingful for managing to make this possible.
But it doesn't end here, because if you want to own the subscription, you will be the one receiving the money from the members who join it, managed by Sharingful, and therefore, you will receive €4.50 from each user periodically and securely thanks to our intervention.
We know you're attracted to the idea, so don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or requests you want to make. We are ready to respond as quickly as possible, both on our live chat on the website and at our email: [email protected]
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