How to save on your household expenses?
We share with you several tips so you can start saving on your household expenses.

Learn to save easily
At Sharingful we know how important it is to save time and money. Specifically in today's post, we are going to focus on some tips or advice that we want to share with you to save on important expenses, such as those at home. We will tell you some ideas so you can reduce expenses or use them for other things.
5 tips to reduce home expenses
It's often good to stop and reflect on the things we do, as one of these is spending money and knowing exactly where we do it could allow us to plan our expenses. Making a monthly plan of what we want to spend and where will give us a guide to follow and adjust as much as we can. To do this you can search for templates on the internet, create an excel or simply use paper and pencil.
Many of our daily expenses tend to be unnecessary or whimsical, we should not stop taking care of ourselves, but we can control the budget we have for these things. One option is to identify which expenses are necessary and which ones we can do without in our month to know it in case prices before buying**, especially when it comes to large purchases. This can be done through various online platforms, including Sharingful, which allows us to compare prices of different subscriptions and choose the one that best suits our needs.
If necessary, you can also create a budget for all these purchases and try not to exceed it during the month.
Cars generally represent a very high cost for families, not only because of their price, but also due to maintenance, gasoline, insurance, etc. Therefore, there are always alternatives that can be used, such as using public transportation. This not only helps the environment but also our wallets. There are many combinations for both short and long distances and often this is faster than a private vehicle.
We know that humans are impulsive, not only in their vital decisions but also in more trivial matters like shopping. Often we find products that we didn't plan on buying but we give in to our whims and don't think twice. Avoiding impulse buying can help us reduce supermarket expenses, so one way to do this is to write a list before going and once there not deviate from it. You will surely notice the difference.
Something else that can help us save is comparing prices before buying, especially for big purchases. This can be done through various online platforms including Sharingful which allows us to compare prices of different subscriptions and choose the one that best suits our needs. Prices, both for daily purchases and larger expenses, that is, from grocery shopping to choosing our appliances, it's important to know the products and services we consume in order to adjust the price we are willing to pay to our needs.
How can Sharingful help you?
As we were saying, leisure and whims can be adjusted to a budget, that's why we also want to present our service as an alternative to the original prices of streaming platforms, which are something that nobody likes to give up.
Sharingful offers lower prices for the same service, the only thing it involves is sharing your subscriptions and, consequently, paying only the proportional part of what it means to be a user of these platforms. This means that the cost of a subscription is divided according to the possible users allowed by the platform for example, in the case of Netflix if 4 users are allowed, a group of 4 people will be formed where each one will pay their part; €3.14 per month instead of the usual €8.99 rate. This discount represents up to 80% savings per year! Other examples where we apply the same strategy can be Netflix, HBO Max, Spotify Premium and much more.
In addition, you have the opportunity to be the creator of a subscription and have the members who join you, pay you for it. So if you already have an account or prefer to be the ringleader of the group to have control, this is the best option for you. You just have to create a family on our platform so that other people send you requests and you can generate your group. Once it's complete, all that's left is to enjoy your subscription without worries, as we will ensure that you receive the money each member has to pay you for joining you, as we mentioned at the beginning.
Interested in the idea? Find out more on our website.
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